Scales of Finance for the year-2023-24
S.No Name of the Crop
[Irr:Irrigated] [UI:Un-Irrigated]
Scale of finance for the year 2022-23 Scale  of Finance for the year 2023-24
1 Paddy 34000-38000(khari) 38000-40000(rabi)42000(seed) 38000-42000(khari) 42000-45000(rabi)45000(seed)
2 Jowar 18000-20000(Irr) 16000-19000(UI)23000(seed) 19000-2100(Irr) 17000-20000(UI)24000(seed)
3 Bazra 14000-19000(Irr) 13000-16000(Ui) 15000-20000(Irr) 14000-17000(Ui)
4 Raagi 14000-18000(Irr) 14000-1600(Ui) 16000-20000(Irr) 16000-18000(Ui)
5 Maize 30000-34000(Irr) 20000-24000(Ui) 38000-44000(seed) 38000-42000(Irr) 24000-26000(Ui) 40000-45000(seed)
6 Korra 16000-19000(Irr) 14000-15000(Ui) 16000-19000(Irr) 14000-15000(Ui)
7 Pulses (notcovered underS.No.8-11) 13000-15500 17000-20000
8 RedGram 16000-20000(Irr) 14000-19000(UI) 18000-22000(Irr) 17000-20000 (UI)
9 BlackGram 15000-18000 18000-20000
10 GreenGram 15000-18000 18000-20000
11 BengalGram 26000-30000 28000-32000
12 HorseGram  13000-15500 14000-16000
13 Sunflower 17500-22000 19000-24000
14 Groundnut 30000-32000(Irr) 2400026(UI) 32000-38000(Irr) 28000-32000(UI)
15 Seasamum/Gingelly 11000-12000 12000-13000
16 Safflower/Kusumallu 7000-8000 10000-12000
17 OilPalm 47300-51700 60500 (with intercrop) 55000-66000 65000 (with intercrop)
18 Castor 16000-18000 16000-18000
19 Tobacco 70000-72000(Virginia) 32000-36000(Natu) 72000-75000(Virginia) 36000-40000(Natu)
20 Chillies 66000-88000 (Red) 50000-6000 (Green) 8800-90000 (Red) 68000-75000 (Green)
21 Cotton 30000-35000(Irr) 28000-33000 (UI) 31000-36000(Irr) 29000-34000 (Ul)
22 Sugarcane 71500-75900 (Irr)(Pltn) 38500-44000(Ui) 60500-66000(Irr)(Ratoon) 38500-44000(Ui) 77000-80000 (IRR)(Pltn)   66000-70000(Ratoon)
23 Mulberry 74750-80500 80000-90000
24 Mesta  11000 11000
25 ArecaNut 38000-42000 42000-43000
26 BetelLeaf 65000-70000 75000-80000
27 Aizwan 9000-10000 10000-11000
28 Turmeric 77000-88000 90000-100000
29 Tomato 25000-30000(Normal) 71000-77000(Hyb) 30000-35000(Normal) 80000-90000(Hybrid)
30 Brinjal 38500-44000 40000-45000
31 FrenchBeans 38400-44000 42000-48000
32 Guar 10000-15000 11000-16000
33 Potato 38500-44000 40000-45000
34 Tapioca 16500-18500 18000-20000
35 Yam 105000-110000 116000-120000
36 Drumstick 27500-33000 30000-36000
37 Ginger 47500-51500 52000-56000
38 Cabbage 27500-33000 32000-35000
39 Cauliflower 39000 40000-45000
40 Bhendl 24000-28500 25000-30000
41 Gherkins 24000-27500 26000-30000
42 BabyCorn 30000-35000(Irr) 18000-22000(Ui) 33000-39000(Irr) 22000-24000(Ui)
43 Gourds 2400-27500 26000-30000
44 Carrot 22000-27500 25000-30000
45 Onion 35000-40000 Rose Onion -36000-41000 45000-50000 Rose Onion-46000-51000
46 CurryLeaf 39500-42000 42000-45000
47 Coriander 16500-18500 18000-20000
48 Vegetables (notcoveredabove) 20000-25000 20000-25000
49 Banana 60500-77000(Plantation) 42000-55000(Ratoon) 99000-104500(Tissue Culture) 65000-80000(Plantationn 45000-60000(Ratoon) 104500-120000(Tissue Culture)
50 Citrus/AcidLime/SweetOrange 46000-49500 50000-55000
51 CashewNut 28000-30000 30000-35000
52 Pomegranate 66000-71500 75000-90000
53 Guava 33000-38500 79200-82500(HIght Density) 40000-45000 85000-95000(High Density)
54 Watermelon 27500-33000 30000-35000
55 Muskmelon 44000-39500 50000-55000
56 Papaya 66000-71500 72000-75000
57 Grapes 90000-93500 95000-105000
58 Sapota 24200-27500 27000-30000
59 Ber 27500-28500 30000-31000
60 Coconut 33000-44000 35000-44000(intercop with coco) 24000-27500 (coco) 44000-47000 45000-50000 (Intercop with coco) 25000-30000 (coco)
61 Mango 33000-38500 40000-45000
62 Marigold 35000-40000 40000-45000
63 Tuberose 50000-55000 55000-60000
64 Chrysanthemum 40000-45000 45000-50000
65 Crossandra 25000-30000 28000-23000
66 PrawnCulture-Scampi@ 300000 310000-330000
67 BrackishWater@ 300000 310000-330000
68 L.Vannamei@ 500000 850000-950000 (Intensive) 500000-550000 880000-980000 (Intensive)
69 FishCulture@ 300000-385000 390000-440000
70 Pangassius@ 495000-550000 240000
71 Tilapia culture@ 300000-350000 330000-380000
72 CrabCulture@  180000-200000 198000-220000
73 SeabassCulture@  375000 410000-440000
74 Nursery-Mango/Sapota  600000-700000 (small nursaries 40000-1 lakh no of plants) 1600000-1800000 (medium nursaries 1 lakh -3 lakh no of plants) 1800000-2000000 (big/large nursaries 3lakhs and above no of plants) 600000-700000 (small nursaries 40000-1 lakh no of plants) 1600000-1800000 (medium nursaries 1 lakh to 3 lakhs no of plants) 1800000-2000000 (big/large nursaries 3 lakhs and above no of plants)
75 Nursery- Mixed/Ornamental  200000-300000 (small nursaries 40000-1 lakh no of plants) 600000-700000 (medium nursaries 1 lakh-3 lakh no of plants) 900000-1000000 (big/large nurasires 3 lakhs and above no of plants) 200000-300000 (nursaries 40000-1 lakhno on of plants) 600000-700000 (medium nursaries 1 lakh-3 lakhs no of plants) 900000-1000000 (big/large nursaries 3lakhs and above no of plants)
76 Fig 22000-26500 30000-35000
77 SoyaBeans 10000-13000 11000-14000
78 Pineapple 22000-27500 25000-30000
79 Coleus 17000-18000 19000-20000
80 Kalamegh 8000-10000 9000-11000
81 Tamarind 12000-15000 12000-15000
82 Jetropa 10000-12000 11000-13000
83 Aloevera/Kalabanda 20000-22000 22000-24000
84 MedicinalPlants 22000-25000 25000-28000
85 Nelavemu 8000-10000 9000-11000
86 P.Bhendi 17000-18000 19000-20000
87 Vasa 25000-26000 28000-29000
88 Aswagandha 15000 16500
89 LemonGrass 20000-25000 22000-27000
90 Palmarosa 22000-25000 24000-27000
91 Niger 5000
92 Jasmine 40000-45000 45000-50000
93 Rose 25000-30000(Normal) 45000-50000(Newvariety) 300000-35000(Normal) 50000-55000 (Newvariety)
94 FodderCultivation 20000-25000 25000-30000
95 SRi Paddy 30000(kharif) 32000(rabi)  30000(Kharif) 32000 (Rabi)
96 Cow Pea 13000-15000 14000-16000
97 Mulberyy Crop Cultivation (normal and v-1 varities) 74750-805000 80000-90000
98 Sericulture (working capital for silk rearing) 100000-120000 120000-150000
99 Strawberry 250000  2500000
100 Custard apple 17500-18500 19000-20000
101 Floriculture p-Other flowers 35000-40000 40000-65000
102 Dragan Fruit - 50000-60000
103 Amla 22000-25000 24000-27000
104 Coffee 22000 25000
105 a.Cow (per animal) b.Buffello (per animal) 24000-27000 26500-30000 30000-35000 30000-45000
106 Sheep/Goat (20+1) 35000-40000 per annum 38000-42000
107 Poultry a.Broiler Farming b.layer a.65-75 per bird per batch b.185 per bird annum a.100-120 per bird per batch b.200-220 per bird per annum
108 Sasamum 7785 7785